Wednesday, August 27, 2008
First off, I apologize for the delay in getting orders out.
I have been so swamped, literally I get about a dozen orders out a day. I am a full time student now as well as the kids just started a new school, the hubby was out of town for 9 days and I am in constant production for my retail end. So I am trying to get into a new routine here and getting the remaining supplies orders out asap.
If you are inquiring about your order and I have not responded back, I apologize. I have had zero time to sit down and respond to anyone. All orders up until today, have gone out and you should have your tracking numbers with the exception of a few fragrance oil orders that have come through.
Even the inquiries for the colorants line. If you didn't hear back from me, don't worry, I will.
As far as the colorants line goes, to make it easier for both you and I, I am only accepting bids from established, reputable businesses only. Not from individuals and if I receive inquiries from anyone that does not supply their business info, I will not respond to you. I apologize, but I just don't have the time to sit and chat with people who are not serious. I'll know if you're serious when you provide your supplies business name to me along with your inquiry. I hate to come across as rude, but my time is very limited right now, again, my apologies.
If I end up not selling the colorants line, I may end up keeping them up on the site for sale still. So all will NOT be lost.
Also, PLEASE DO NOT order any more fragrance oils from me. Stacy will have hers up any day now. My oils are still up because Stacy needs my info to transfer over to her site. That is the ONLY reason why my oils are still showing up on the site. If you place an order for fo's and the clearanced botanicals, I will not charge you for the oils nor will I include any. You will only be charged for the clearanced off botanicals.
Also, for those of you inquiring if I will sell off my biz name and domain name, NO, I am not.
The site has been updated with what I have remaining in stock. If I run out while I am processing orders, I may replace it with another comparable item.
Thank you for all your patience!
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 9:31 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
If you received a shipping notice from FedEx, it actually will not be leaving until tomorrow. With the transition to Daystar, it's been hectic here.
Thank you for your understanding!
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 3:36 PM

For those that have been emailing me asking if Isle of Eden buys my marshmallow fragrance oil, come on! I am not at liberty to discuss any such thing. And to even think that for one moment I would tell anyone if they did is absurd! Whether they do or don't is no ones business but theirs.
I think it's rude to ask such a question and to even think that I am willing to disclose that information to anyone.
So please, do not ask me whether she/they or any other company out there has or does use any of my (now Daystar's!) fragrance oils.
Labels: fragrance oils, soapsilly wholesale supplies
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 1:15 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008
Well, I have some wonderful news to share with everyone.
Daystar Soap & Candle Supply, LLC is now the new home for Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies fragrance oils.
After very careful consideration, I have decided to sell my fragrance oils line to Stacy of Daystar. Stacy is a wonderful person and dear friend of mine for about 5 years now and I am very pleased to have her take over my oils.
There have been many things going on in my life. I have multiple businesses, I'm a full time wife and mom to 3 very active and growing up fast children (my oldest is starting high school this week, ack!), I'm still recovering from surgery, limiting my ability to lift heavy containers of oils, and I'm going back to college for my bachelor's. My plate is full!
Many of you know that I have more than one business. One of them is being taken to a whole new level that I could never have imagined. Mainly due to this I knew it was time to downsize and to do it quickly. Thus the reason for Stacy to take over my fragrance oils. Giving up the supplies end will give me so much more time to concentrate on my family, school and my other businesses. Doing the supplies took up more time than anything and took away from other things in my life.
Do I feel saddened? Not at all, because I know Stacy will do a great job as she always does.
As far as the colorants go, I am accepting offers. If you are interested in taking over my colorants line, drop me an email at soapsillyathotmaildotcom. Serious inquiries only please. Be sure to include your company name and your offer for consideration. What I am offering is colorants codes/formulas and manufacturer info only. Thank you!
Botanicals are being clearanced out and are already discounted from 50-75%. And the flavor oils will no longer be available as well. The site will remain up until the botanicals are gone. Fragrance oils are no longer available, but will soon be available at Daystar.
Marshmallow, Soap Silly's NUMBER 1 selling fragrance oil will be one of the first oils available at Daystar before long.
I want to thank everyone for their loyalty to Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies.
Labels: daystar, fragrance oil, soap silly, soapsilly wholesale supplies
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 9:24 PM

Well, I know we were only open for one week. But beginning today, August 11th and for the next 2 weeks we will be closed. We will NOT be accepting any orders during this time. We have some exciting news coming your way!
The announcement will be made soon, so check back often!!!!!!!
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 11:45 AM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's been what seems like a long recovery.
I just saw my dr last week and he said it would be another 4 months before I can fully recover. I was not happy. He told me before the surgery it would take 2 months to recover. I think he lied to me so I wouldn't change my mind about the surgery. Anyways, at least I am recovering, slowly but surely I am, that's what I keep telling myself.
I've been getting quite a few emails as to when we're reopening.
I've decided we will be open part time for the month of August. I'm going to head back into this slowly and pace myself since I am still in pain. I can't lift more than 7lbs at this time. But I have help, so it works out.
So for the month of August, we will be open on Wednesdays only, until further notice. Any orders received on Wednesdays will ship either same day or the following Thursday/Friday. Any orders received after Wednesday or before Wednesday will not be processed until the following Wednesday, no exceptions.
The other thing I wanted to share with you is that I am back in college, attending full time. I start this week and am really nervous about it. I am working on my bachelors and have 3 years left. So by opening part time, I'll be able to concentrate on my education as well as my business and serve the needs of my customers.
Also, you may have noticed we no longer accept Paypal. This is because of the fees involved. Since we are opening back up as part time, it just didn't make sense to be paying double fees. Since our cart does not reflect shipping, we'd have to collect a second payment for shipping. We would then be paying a second fee. With only accepting credit cards, we pay the fee one time, we charge your card one time with the shipping included. We will also be sending an email before your card is charged with your shipping fee and your total.
Maybe some day we can get the shipping figured into the shopping cart.
You may also notice there are more fo's in the clearance section. Botanicals are also in the clearance section. We are going to lean more in the direction of offering fragrance oils only at this time. Carrier oils will no longer be carried as well. We will continue to carry our colorants and flavor oils.
Posted by Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies at 7:49 AM
